Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Hello everyone,

I just wanted to write a quick note about something that has been on my mind.  I am reminded of it today due to the elections going on and so many avenues trying to shove Democrat and Republican voting down your face.  The mainstream media/public/whatever wants to make us forget that there are other, possibly better, options out there. We can't forget that there are.  I am guilty of being stagnant too. Today I realized that I am not even registered to vote in my own county yet.  I haven't even cared enough to make sure my voting rights were secured.  I didn't even know that when I moved counties that I needed to re-register to vote.  I didn't even know anything about the candidates until earlier today.  I normally say that I don't care for politics and don't want to listen to what's going on with it, which I normally don't, but we at least owe it to ourselves to not stay dormant in times like this, this election moment, or any other moment for that matter, when there is a chance to DO something.  If we are unsatisfied with the way things are, we need to take action and at least try to make a difference.  I am guilty of it too.  This even ties in to choices in the beer world.  Notice that when you go to the convenience store, music venue, football stadium, etc. you have to search around for the craft beer selection.  You have to wade through a tide of Budweiser, Miller, and Coors products until you realize where the craft selections are.  It happened the other day when I went to a venue here in town, the Municipal Auditorium, and saw Bob Dylan.  Almost every concession stand served only Budweiser, Miller, or Coors products.  You had to walk all the way to the far corners of the venue to realize there were craft offerings (although it ended up being Blue Moon(owned by Coors)), but why does that stuff have to be so hard to find?  Why aren't craft selections as out in the open and marketed?  Of course I guess because the big dogs don't want them to be.  Also though,  I guess because a dent is being made in the big beer companies' chunk of the beer industry.  I guess those live free or die, not gonna take what's fed to me, seekers of the truth's voices are being heard.  We do make a difference.  Just, make your own choices, let your own voice be heard, and don't let other people try to sell you their idea of what is right or good.

1 comment:

  1. When selecting instore music, store owners ought to factor in their target market.
